Better Barrow was formed in January 2012, following a public meeting in the Village Hall the previous December. The purpose of the group is, with community involvement: –​
to improve the appearance and amenities of the Market Place and
the wider village environment;
to raise awareness of our heritage and
celebrate the life and achievements of John Harrison.
John Harrison, who lived in the village for many years, solved the ‘longitude problem’ through building the world’s first, reliable and accurate marine chronometer. His work is not only of local and regional importance – his inventions have national and international significance and are recognised as such in museums and publications around the world.
The Better Barrow Community Project is a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation), charity number 1159794.
Click to download / view Better Barrow Constitution as pdf.
Better Barrow Committee and Trustees
Chair: Trevor Millum, Fern House, High St. Barrow Upon Humber DN19 7AA
Vice Chair: Ann Boulton, 21 Hallam Close, Barrow Upon Humber DN19 7FD
Secretary: Pam Loxley, Floral Villa, Wold Road, Barrow Upon Humber DN19 7DQ
Treasurer : Jessie Taylor, Stonelea, North St, Barrow Upon Humber DN19 7AP
Publicity Co-ordinator: Ann Boulton
Committee Members: Sylvia Millum, Alex Raistrick, Debbie Crawford, Tracey Griffiths, Bill Hindson