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Village Walk (South)

Compiled by Trevor Millum & Steve Taylor. Architectural commentary by Keith Miller, former Barrow resident & Chairman of Barrow Civic Society

The Southern Walk starts in the Market Place and takes you to the South.

It takes around fifteen minutes

Market Place

Green Lane (part)

Palmer Lane (part)
Lords Lane
Wold Road (part)
Thornton Street
(Short detour down Silver Street)

Town Street

Market Place

The Market Place

Starting from Market Place head out on Green Lane with the Six Bells Pub and Co-Op on your right.

Wate Garth

Go along Green Lane and after about 150 yards turn left into Palmer Lane. Within a few yards you will see Wate Garth, which is one of the oldest domestic buildings in the village. Though much altered, the difference in height compared with other buildings is noticeable.

No 7 Lords Lane

Return to the Market Place and turn left at the Six Bells Pub and walk up Lords Lane. On your right you will see No. 7, which is an interesting house with a clear differentiation in the brickwork indicating an extension or the combining of two dwellings to create a Georgian appearance. The bricks on the north end of the house are older and the south end gable lacks the tumbled brick finish you might expect. Along with a number of Barrow houses, the end wall sports a small curved window.

Nonconformist Chapel

Nearby, you will notice the old Nonconformist Chapel, which is now used as a Band Room by the Barrow Band. The adjoining school room was demolished but the chapel was saved and the exterior renovated. Unfortunately the wooden pews and pulpit were not retained. The arched gothic style windows are unique in the area and the circular light in the south wall is also unusual.

Stone Close

Opposite the chapel you will see a 20 century development of bungalows called Stone Close, named from the house which stood here formerly.

15 Lords Lane

Continuing up the hill, there are a number of typical Georgian style houses. Number 15 is interesting with its restored brickwork, doorcase and dummy window, The original windows have been replaced with later four-pane sashes. Chalk has been used for decorative effect and also, together with flint acts as foundations for the building. The brick is a façade covering a chalk inner wall. How many other houses this is true of, we don’t know.

Lords Lane Farm

On the other side of the road is Lords Lane Farm, a substantial farm house, with extensive outbuildings – once again probably extended or rebuilt following Enclosure. The greenhouse is particularly fine.



Turn right at the top of Lords Lane and walk along Wold Road to Thornton Street, which will take you
back into the village. Along the way you will notice some delicate joinery on the front, probably a late 19 century or early 20 century addition.

Barrow House

Turning into Thornton Street, you will see the charming timber and tile gateway which is the private entrance to Barrow House.The earliest evidence of Barrow House being built is an inscribed 1813 brick, although the specific Georgian style suggests an earlier, late 18th Century origin.  The house was laid out on an L plan, subsequently much modified in numerous small increments, the major part of which was carried out in 1861, when a previous, unknown owner moved to another country, selling the entire contents by auction and renting the vacated building as a school for young Victorian ladies, in which rôle it continued almost to the end of the 19th century. 

Today, the building stands as a staggered two storey house, in Flemish bond brickwork topped by a hipped pantile roof.  The main front is symmetrical, comprising two storeys and three bays, facing south (towards the tiled oak gateway).   It surrounds a Doric doorcase and radial fanlight, with reeded pilasters and brackets supporting a dentilled broken pediment.   To the west, facing Thornton Street, a main recessed door has a 3-pane overlight beneath a channelled and keyed stucco segmental arch.  The original sash windows retain unusual additional internal sash wooden shutters.

In the yard, a blocked segmental carriage arch identifies the original coach-house alongside other later additions.  A 1990s two-storey garage now houses a private geology museum, including much local material, which can be visited upon request

Stamford House


Continuing down Thornton Street, Stamford House has two nice semi-circular lights in the south wall and is one of the more unusual houses in Barrow, presumably a conversion from a farm building. The chimney stack would seem to indicate the end of the original living quarters and the beginning of a barn. At the north end there is a later addition, making this one of the longest houses in the village. There have been many alterations, including a bricked up window and doorway, together with changes to the upstairs window frames.

Cobweb Cottage

Cobweb Cottage (not to be confused with the house of the same name in Silver Street) is presumably a conversion from a farm building and has been much extended to provide sufficient living accommodation.

Elder House

Nearby Elder House has a fine Georgian doorcase and symmetrical 16 pane sashes which,  interestingly, lack any ornamentation on the lintels.

Cobweb Cottage

Turn left shortly after Elder House for a small detour into Silver Street. On the right i.e. north side of the street you will see another Cobweb Cottage.


The original cottage was built at some time in the 1700s and only recently became known as Cobweb Cottage. The west portion, i.e. the left side of the front door, formed the original house. The front door and right side were added in the late 20th century. To the right of the original house was a smaller outbuilding which used to be an undertaker's carriage store. In the early 1980s, the old barn in the garden was reduced to a single storey and the spare old bricks were used to build the modern portion of the house. When the roof was renewed, the main beam of the original house was revealed to be a whole tree trunk, not at all rotten. The chimneys are interesting, being the only cylindrical ones in the village.


In 1982, during garden landscaping, bones were found that appeared human. The police and forensic team attended the property and excavated the remains which were then sent to Sheffield University for analysis. The skeleton remains were found in a shallow grave, in 'the sitting position'. They were of a female, at least 45 years old, who had died around 300 years earlier. The forensic team suggested that this was not an uncommon position to bury a plague victim.


Also, recently found in the garden was the top of what appears to be a 'Bellarmine’, 'Greybeard' or 'Witch bottle’. These are usually buried at the edge of a property, often with hairs, finger nails, blood or urine, in order to ward off evil spirits.


In June 1942, several bombs hit Barrow and one hit the side of the original Cobweb Cottage.

Carlton House

Continuing along Silver Street Carlton House faces you on the first corner. A small mid-to-late 18th century Georgian house (perhaps originally a small farmhouse?), with a later extension to the left. The original section has a characteristic symmetrical Georgian design, with a central doorway and single windows to each side and a pair of windows above them on the first floor. The usual internal layout for houses of this kind is a door to a lobby or entrance hall and staircase and the main rooms to each side with a kitchen and other service rooms behind, and the bedrooms upstairs. The ground-floor windows have plaster imitation lintels. The absence of brick arches or stone lintels suggests that the windows were built with timber lintels behind the brickwork. The windows themselves are modern timber replacements but they retain the small-pane style of the original sash windows, which would have had 12 panes (3 panes wide) or 16 panes (4 panes wide). There is no central dummy window like those in some of the other Georgian and early Victorian houses in the village. However, the front here has a stylish feature in the form of a projecting first-floor brick band. This feature, designed to emphasise the clean classical lines of the frontage, is seen in a couple of other Georgian village houses (Sconer House in Barton Street and 15 Lords Lane). Here it is matched with a stepped brick cornice at the eaves. The moulded-profile gutter, uninterrupted by down-pipes, gives a perfect finishing touch to a simple and elegant frontage. The house is terraced into the sloping ground here (the valley-side of the Barrow Beck), so there is a stepped brick plinth at the base and three York Stone steps up to the front door. There is a Classical-style doorcase in a plain Roman Doric Order, with a later Victorian or Edwardian door with moulded panels. It’s likely that this door was fitted at the same time as other alterations were undertaken, most noticeably the addition of a two-storey extension to the left and the rebuilding of the chimney stacks. The later bricks, larger and smoother than the earlier Georgian ones, can be most clearly seen the left gable-end. The rear roof-pitch may also have been raised at the same time to give more space in the back rooms. The builders of the extension took the trouble to match the window size of the original frontage and even used the older thinner Georgian bricks to continue the first floor band, so that, with its painted frontage, the extension blends in very well. Small details like this make all the difference! Carlton House is in a prominent position facing down this section of Silver Street, so that the street itself seems like an entrance driveway. This may well have influenced the positioning and design of the house. Another, rather grander, example where a location like this is exploited for a stylish frontage is Banner House on a corner facing along Barton Street.

Lynn Cottage

Facing Cobweb Cottage is Lynn Cottage. A fine example of a late 19th - early 20th century house. The stylish frontage is in finely-finished facing brick in Flemish Bond, with York Stone for the first-floor window lintels and features of the front doorway. The sides and the rear are in less expensive stock brick in an irregular bond. The arched entrance, with its elaborate keystone bearing the house name, opens into an internal porch with a splendidly ornate half-glazed front door and side-lights with coloured leaded-glass above moulded wooden panelling. Flanking this to each side are bay windows with moulded wooden frames with slender carved columns at the corners. Each bay has its own little gutter and drain-pipe. The windows here and on the first floor are all originals with plate-glass and elaborately-horned sashes (the ‘horns’ are the little sections of wood on each side projecting below the top sash. They’re a feature of Victorian and Edwardian windows, introduced around 1850 to provide a secure wood joint for carrying the new, heavier plate-glass windows.) The woodwork here is probably all in ‘pitch-pine’, a close-grained and highly resinous softwood imported at that time from North America, which lends itself to carved detail and which is extremely durable if protected from damp by a good coat of paint. Beneath the eaves are a series of nice little cast-iron breathers with lattice grilles. Perhaps they were fitted as part of an early example of cavity walling, or an early heating and ventilation system. Above this is an elaborate eaves cornice of moulded brick – the lower band with a Classical-style ‘Greek Key’ motif, and above this a bold ‘toothed’ band. Similar ‘toothed’ bricks can be seen on the bay windows at Cherry Garth in the High Street, which also has an ornate doorway with moulded panelling and coloured glass, so it looks like both of these houses were built around the same time, probably in the early 20th century. Last, but by no means least, Lynn Cottage has an impressive finishing touch in the form of elaborate custom-made bargeboards with mouldings, pierced Gothic-style crosses and a central ball and finial at the apex. It’s unusual to see ornate bargeboards such as this on a village building, and their survival here - along with the rest of this original Edwardian frontage - is really quite special.

Returning back down Silver Street, on the corner with Town Street you will see Henley Lodge, a post-war house built on this World War II bomb-damaged site, (see old picture of Cobweb Cottage above).


Continue along Town Street down to Threeways, near the road junction with Barton Lane. The house has fancy scroll brackets and so have a number of nearby houses, showing the design was fashionable.  This one has its original door and overlight with margin bars like the upstairs of the Royal Oak, together with its original coloured glass. The dummy window maintains the classical proportions. There are special carved brackets for the gutter, which would have been wooden. Some still survive over the road; even there we see the influence of classical architecture.

Market Place

Continue along the very short Town Street to arrive back in the Market Place, now viewed from the South.

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